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Showing posts from February, 2018

Guest Speaker 4: John Dimmer

I wasn't able to attend the class on the day we had John Dimmer as a guest speaker, however I had my friend record the lecture and send it to me after the class so I caught up on it later that day. From the recording, I learned that John Dimmer is an entrepreneur who also worked at Free Range Media with Andrew Fry and helped create multiple businesses around the country. John Dimmer wasn't there initially when Free Range Media was founded but he joined later after FRR was a going concern. It was nice hearing the about John's journey from high school till here because we have already heard Mr. Fry's side of the story on the first day of class, and now hearing it from John's perspective helped put it all together. He want to high school with Mr. Fry back in the day and his dad helped pave the Entrepreneurship way for both of them. He graduated with a degree in finance and worked in the industry for a few years. During the John's talk it was obvious that these ...

How to price your product

Pricing your product is one tough decision, and it's something that I have had to put a lot of thought into. Initially, I was just throwing numbers out but after Tuesdays lecture on "My Uncle's Alders" it really helped me put a set ruleset together so I can come up with a price for my product. Below are the guidelines I followed to come up with the price: Time and effort spent When you are selling the product Shipping and handling Consider the value of the product from clients perspective Following these guidelines I decided to the price for my Video Game Cafe would be $9.99 per person for each hour and offer discounts for groups. I decided to go with this pricing scheme for many reasons, one of them being the age group that my business is targeted towards is early teenager to young adults, which means I cannot have a high price entry point. $9.99 is low enough for someone who just wants to go play some games with their friends in a LAN environment and have fu...

Guest Speaker 3: Brian Forth

Our third guest speaker was Brian Forth, who is the CEO of which is a Tacoma based website development company. Brian has been in the web designing business for almost 20 years with his company. I enjoyed this guest lecture very much because he seemed really comfortable in the class and he gave a lot of time for questions in the end. There are 36 employees in Brian's company and it was interesting to know how he handles various management level issues such as having bad team managers or bad employees in general. Brian seems to be very stern in terms of his company policy and I find that very amendable because he didn't write company goals just for the heck of it, he decided to follow those goals and incorporate them into the company's roots. This is very essential so the employees don't lose track and promote company goals at all time. Brian also talked about how it is working with different clients, since he has experience working with different compa...

Guest Speaker 2: Robert Coons

Our second guest speaker was Robert Coons who is the co-founder and CEO of Scout Military Discounts, a company that lets the users look for places that have military discounts available. They can also check whether a user is eligible for the discounts and what kind of discounts depending on the rank and years of service. Robert seemed like a very passionate and hardworking individual who has been enduring the entrepreneur lifestyle as he plans on moving to Tacoma to proceed with his company SCOUT Military Discounts. Robert talked about his past, how he started as well as ultimately where he would like to take the company. In the beginning he had to call hundreds of businesses with his friends to find out what kind of military discounts they provide, if any. In the process they built a large database that helps the users of the App, as well as provide more value to their company if they were to sell it. However, in the future he would obviously look to automate the process by having pe...